A 'triple cello' set of painted 23" steel pans supplied with 2 rubber tipped mallets, a solid adjustable and collapsible chrome stand on wheels, and a stand bag. The stand is designed to bring the playing area of the 3 individual pans as close together as possible making it easier to play faster music.
Each surface features a 7-note diminished arpeggio, and the pans are tuned a semi-tone apart, giving a combined chromatic range of C3-G#4.
The Percussion Plus Import Series contains the best quality affordable pans in the world. These pans are constructed in Trinidad from specially made steel, they are then shipped to Ohio in the USA where each pan is precisely tuned and finished by experienced specialists.
Key Features:
- Trio of 23" diameter 'triple cello' steel pans
- Painted finish for gentler mellow tone
- 7-note minor third layout on each pan giving combined total chromatic range from C3-G#4
- Built from special resonant steel in Trinidad
- Tuned in the USA at Panyard's state-of-the-art workshop
- Supplied with mallets and an innovative adjustable stand on wheels